Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Colorado Springs Time Trial Series

Time Trial Series

To prepare for both Las Vegas 70.3 Ironman and Ironman Kona World Championships my coach Lee Gardner and myself entered into the Colorado Endurance Sport Time Trial Series in Colorado Springs. It is a fantastic series hosted by Jayson Middlemiss and sponsored by Cafe Velo. It consists of a time trial hill climb every Wednesday night for four weeks in a row which alternate between 26th street and Cheyenne Canon. 

Both 26th Street and Cheyenne Canon are extremely challenging in their own rights. Lee and I used these rides as a way to get in sub 20 minute all out efforts four weeks in a row. However, we didn't taper at all for each of the races so it was fun to see what we could do on tired legs until the last weeks trial which was the Wednesday before 70.3 Ironman Las Vegas World Championships.  

The first week, I was very excited with my time, placing 6th out of the Men. The second week, I was slightly disappointed missing my own PR up Cheyenne Canon by seven seconds taking 7th out of the men. The third week was disastrous, I felt horrible and couldn't stop coughing for the life of me. Here I added 55 seconds to my first weeks time and was completely deflated. However, the last week I had a massive PR up Cheyenne Canon by over a minute. I again placed 6th out of the men. 

My times were as follows:
Week 1 (26th Street) 17:55
Week 2 (Cheyenne Canon) 19:36
Week 3 (26th Street) 18:50
Week 4 (Cheyenne Canon) 18:23
It was a great series and the perfect preparation for Las Vegas 70.3 Ironman World Championships!

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